I come for the way it sounds.
I come to dance.
I come for the chance to delight a stranger.
I come because partying week after week with the same crowd of people is something I needed in my twenties and thirties and continue to need as I move into my forties.
I come because I think alternative modes of education, and community self-education are a good thing to explore.
I come to School of HONK every week because once I was a teenager who was very serious about learning how to play the saxophone, and he’s someone I like to remember.
I come because I think we need life, joy, and a bit of subversion on our streets.
I come because I want my three year old son to have something wild in his life.
I come because I want to get to know a lot of musicians.
I come because I’ve spent time in music scenes where most of the participants weren’t formally trained, and I think it’s a great thing.
I come because I think School of HONK makes folk music and future music and we need both.
I come because the art I’ve made has always been about blurring the lines between audience and creator.
I come because it’s literally the best way I know of to meet new people, and I want a life where I meet lots of new people.
I come because I need to experience loud music and be around people but don’t like to stay up late.
I come to combat the increasingly asynchronous nature of modern life.
I come because for years my wife (Crissy, percussion) and I have dreamed of starting a daytime techno dance party. School of HONK is a big step in the right direction.
I come because I’ve never seen anything like it.
I come because it feels like home.