

My name is Michael (Micha for short) and I play trumpet. I’ve been playing with the School of HONK since early 2016. The School of HONK is largely responsible for helping me make music become an integral part of my life.

I found the School of HONK from another local brass band, the Second Line Social Aid and Pleasure Society Brass Band. I had tried out to be in SLSAPS and it became clear during the tryout that I was not ready to be in their band. A friend from SLSAPS suggested that I go to the School of HONK, where I could work on playing by ear and soloing.

I swallowed my pride and gave it a shot. I wish I had come to the School of HONK sooner! I found something entirely different than I expected. I found a community of lovely people who happen to play music. I have learned more about playing trumpet at the School of HONK than I ever did in public schools. I am getting more comfortable playing by myself (which still terrifies me) and being able to hear the key parts of a song. Let’s flash forward one year: I auditioned for the SLSAPS a second time and they took me on in November 2016.

I believe that there are three “secrets” that keep the School of HONK the lively group that it is. We are a group based in community, integrity, and having fun. School of HONK sees and embraces the musician in everyone. It’s as simple as that!